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Canada Jobs for Health Care Sector Reaches its Peak

“The rise in Canadian health-care vacancies due to Pandemic”

Canada has been facing a shortage of health care workers for a long time due to their low birth rate. The job vacancies in the health care departments have gone sky high during the pandemic due to the poor credential recognition system. Several deaths caused by Covid-19 have put the country in a miserable condition regarding the issue of health workers and the social assistance sector.

What are the main causes of this rise in vacancies?

The retirement of aged people who have been working for many years previously leaves the place for freshers but in Canada, the freshers or those who have to apply for such jobs have to go through a hectic event of credential recognition which is no small feather in the cap. Also, there is a low birth rate which leads to fewer adults admitting themself into the health and medical field. The statistics show fewer births in Canada in 2019 as compared to 2020 even in British Columbia with the most frequently populated area of Canada.

What could be the results of this decline in the health department?

If the situation remains steady and fewer children are born every year to accommodate the health and other vacancies, the result would be an increased burden on previously working adults and old-age people in addition to increased timings which would be a challenging task for the government because more work timings will lead to more pay for the workers hence enhancing burden on the country’s economy.

How the Canadian credential recognition becomes an issue?

The credentials or certified documents of those applying for healthcare jobs are the biggest hindrances in this sector. Most people apply in this field not for their own sake but for the sake of their family and their dependents and as soon as their credentials get recognized in some other field, they quit this job immediately because not everyone gets recognized easily. Thus, it leads to fewer people joining medicine every year.

Who is eligible for health care in Canada?

The person should be a resident of Canada and currently is living in the province with a home entitled to him. The tourists, visitors of the province and, fugitives are not allowed to apply in this sector. However, foreigners can also apply but it depends on your status in the country and the credential recognition requires time.

How many people further opt for medicine as a profession in Canada?

A profile of immigrants in the Canadian healthcare department describes that about 24 percent of people were associated with the nursing sector in 2016, out of which 22 percent got employed. Similarly, 22 percent of adults chose the medical-related field and among them, only 16 percent opted for it as a profession later on.

From which countries do the adults come to Canada as health workers?

Many adults that apply in the healthcare departments are mostly from the Philippines and Sub-Saharan Africa. The applicants were admitted under an economical class program as principal applicants. While those who wanted to opt for nursing were admitted to permanent residence programs specific to caregivers. Getting a job in Canada was not an easy task due to the credential recognition but most adults from the Philippines and Caribbean completed their higher medicine studies in Canada and chose to practice here and by the time they left the jobs they were overqualified to work anywhere else. But still, the question that why do they choose Canada for employment is still unanswered as there have been not many researches on this aspect of medicine.

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