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Australia Raises Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold

Effective 1 July 2024, Australia raised the Temporary Skilled Migration Income (TSMI) threshold from AUD70,000 to AUD73,150. The new nomination applicants must meet the TSMI threshold or annul market salary rate whichever is higher.

On 28 May, the Immigration Department of Home Affairs Australia announced this update for the TSMI threshold increase. The new changes will not affect applications lodged before 1 July 2024. The legislation is pending release which will be updated on the official website of the department.

Employers who want to nominate workers for subclass 482, 494, 186, and 187 visas need to meet specific salary and employment conditions. These requirements are in place to ensure:

  • Employers must ensure that overseas workers receive at least the same salary as an Australian worker performing the same job in the same location, referred to as the ‘annual market salary rate (AMSR)’; and
  • These visa programs are designed to prevent the undercutting of the Australian labor market.

Currently set TSMIT

The Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT) is currently set at:

  • AUD 53,900 for nomination applications submitted up to and including 30 June 2023.
  • AUD 70,000 for nomination applications submitted on or after 1 July 2023.

What is the annual salary market rate?

  • The pay of a comparable Australian employee
  • Workplace agreements or industry awards
  • Employment prospects data
  • Advertisements from the preceding 6 months in the identical area
  • Compensation surveys or guidance from unions or employer groups

Other Immigration Rules Changes by Australia Recently

Current months have seen a series of immigration rules changes by the Australian government. The biggest changes have been made effectively for the student visa streams where applicants will have to show higher English language scores to get admission to a university or college. Furthermore, they will have to show increased funds as a financial means for visa eligibility.

A lot of other announcements have also been made such as changes to subclasses 462 and 482. An innovation visa is also being introduced.

The new Migration Level Plan has also come into effect according to which the country has set to accept 185,000 new immigrants in the 2024 and 2025 Federal Budget Year.