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Canada needs more foreign workers in Atlantic Provinces

Employers of Atlantic Canada are in search of more applicants

The 4 Atlantic provinces of Canada need more foreign workers through the Atlantic Immigration Pilot program. Atlantic Canada with the passage of time is becoming more and more engaging with the foreign workers. The work experience of Atlantic Canadian employers with international students and immigrants is very positive. About 88% of employers admired the work of international students and immigrants by saying they were keen and consistent. This shows that the Atlantic Canada employers are demanding new international workers in their staff.

The Harris Centre gave a statement at the Memorial University in Newfoundland. The main motive of the statement was to reveal the actions of employers in order to hire international students and immigrants in Atlantic provinces Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland and Labrador.  The statement showed the viewpoint of employers to overview the hardships they are facing in order to hire the newcomers.

The surprising fact is that it has also been reported that the employers had received applications that didn’t suit their criteria. In other words, the applicants lacked skill and knowledge in the field for which they applied.

Due to these difficulties, almost every Atlantic Canada employer ended up accepting the applications of international students or immigrants.

What is Atlantic Immigration Pilot?

The Atlantic Immigration Pilot is a track that serves as a path to permanent citizenship for skilled foreign workers and international graduates, who want to live and work in Canada. The Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program (AIPP) works to recruit newcomers to the Atlantic Provinces, providing skilled foreign workers with permanent residency. It was introduced in March 2017. Read here more about the Atlantic Immigration Polit program.

Why are Atlantic Canada Employers demanding international students and immigrants?

There are some issues due to which the employers need more foreign workers:

  • The population graph of Atlantic Canada shows the lowest birth rate and higher aging rate. The youngsters are not available as per the requirements,
  • Those young people who are qualified for the job are not applying. The reason for this is that they are not going to consider the job at their standards,
  • Employees are leaving their jobs because they want to work in a high-quality environment. For this purpose, the authorities have introduced many programs and strategies to attract them,
  • Because of the low management and immigration rates, many workers left Atlantic Canada in the past. They prefer larger cities like Toronto, Vancouver, or Montreal to Atlantic Canada.

Immigration rate from 2010-2019

In 2010, Atlantic Canada invited 3% of all newcomers to the country. Regardless, their population rate is 6.5 percent of the Canadian population. However this percentage increase from 3 to 5% in 2016.

Then the authorities launched a program named “Atlantic Immigration Pilot “ (AIP) in order to attract the newcomers. After that, the immigration rate increased surprisingly to 22% in 2018. This percentage was 26 in 2019. It is increasing year by year.

What strategies Atlantic Canada should adopt to maintain the immigration rate?

To make the labor market more prosperous and to maintain the immigration rate, Atlantic Canada should adopt the following strategies.

  • Introduce the schemes full of facilities and bonuses for the jobs to attract the immigrants toward this region;
  • The main reason that international immigrants left their jobs is the difficulty in understanding the language. So, all the workers along with the job must offer a training facility to the newcomers. It will make them more confident to join that place without any fear;
  • Immigrant retention can be changed by modifying organizational culture;
  • The employers must give more offers with the jobs to the worker. For example, affordable housing, free schooling for their children, work offers for his/her spouse, and free medical services.

Types of Atlantic Immigration pilot program

Atlantic Immigration Pilot has organized three types of programs for  interested candidates:

  1. The Atlantic international graduate program
  2. Atlantic high skilled program
  3. Atlantic intermediate-skilled program