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Canada’s parents and grand parents (PGP) visa program

Canada allows again to bring your parents and grandparents to the country. People who want to sponsor their parents and grandparents to come to Canada through the “Parent and Grandparents Program” (PGP) can do so by fulfilling some requirements.

There is a cap on this visa stream, according to IRCC, 10 thousand application will be entertained.

Program closing and opening dates

The start date of the program is 13 October 2020 at 12:00 PM EDT and it ends on November 3 at 12:00 PM ETD. Applications can be sent online.

Eligibility criteria

  • Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada are eligible to sponsor their parents and grandparents over the age of 18.
  • The sponsor of the PGP should have enough amounts to support his family members financially in Canada.
  • The IRCC requires the sponsor to meets the requirements of income for 2018, 2019, 2020 tax year. For 2020, income notice can be submitted as soon as it is available.

For residents of all Canadian provinces except Quebec, the length of the undertaking for parents and grandparents is 20 years. For residents of Quebec, the length of the undertaking is 10 years.

Income requirements in Canada

The table given below is showing the minimum required income that is applicable in all provinces and territories except Quebec:

no. of people in your responsibility 2018 2019 2020
2 people  $     40,379.  $     41,007.  $     32,899.
3 people  $     49,641.  $     50,414.  $     40,445.
4 people  $     60,271.  $     61,209.  $     49,106.
5 people  $     68,358.  $     69,423.  $     55,695.
6 people  $     77,095.  $     78,296.  $     62,814.
7 people  $     85,835.  $     87,172.  $     69,935.
if more than 7 people  $       8,740.  $       8,876.  $       7,121.

The sponsor must also mention the people who are financially relied on him including the following:

  • parent or grandparents’ separated spouses
  • any dependent children who won’t come to Canada with their parents or grandparents
  • dependent children
  • the interested sponsor
  • spouse or common-law partner
  • the parents and grandparents they want to sponsor and their dependents (spouse or partner and dependent children)
  • spouse’s or partner’s dependent children
  • any other person the interested sponsor may have sponsored in the past, for whom they’re still financially responsible
  • parent or grandparent’s spouse or partner, even if they won’t come to Canada

Eligibility requirements for sponsors in Quebec

The income of sponsors based in Quebec will be estimated based on the province’s income needs through the Quebec Ministry of Immigration. Quebec’s income needs are different from other provinces. The potential sponsor and their co-signer (if applicable) need to show that they have sufficient financial resources in the last 12 months.

How to apply for PGP?

The candidate can submit an online sponsorship interest form from 13, Oct to 03, Nov. After online submission, the candidate will have to wait for selection. If he/she gets the invitation, they have to pay an application fee within sixty days to complete the sponsorship. A document such as of checklist type of paper will be sent by (PGP). The sponsor has to fill in all the required information related to him and the beneficiaries. If an applicant is applying from Quebec, he must obtain a Quebec Selection Certificate from the Quebec Government and submit it to the IRCC as part of the application.

The requirement of the Sponsor form 

  • The applicant will fill the form and all the required information related to him/her.
  • He will fill in the information like names, a number of persons, date of birth to whom he is going to sponsor.
  • He will attach a digital copy of Passport or any document which proves his status in Canada.

After submission, he will receive an application number to check the application status.