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Decreto Flussi 2020, Application Forms Available Online

Decreto Flussi 2020

Decreto Flussi 2020 (an Italian immigration quota program) for non-EU candidates has started. Interested people from around 30 non-EU countries will be able to apply for these work visa programs.

When to apply for Decreto Flussi 2020?

For ‘Decreto Flussi 2020’, application forms are available from 13 October for pre-enrollment. The deadline for application submission is 31 October 2020. It is not yet possible to send the application but only to view and pre-fill. From 22 October 2020 non-seasonal workers, self-employed workers, and conversions can submit the application. Whereas from October 27, 2020, seasonal workers can submit the application through their employers.

How to apply?

One can only apply through the online portal provided by the Italian ministry of interior that is Please note that the request must be submitted by an employer, Italian or foreign, legally resident in Italy. To apply, accessible only through SPID, Digital Identity.

According to the new decreto flussi regulation, 30,850 non-EU foreign workers are allowed to enter Italy under this program.

For what categories, one can apply for a work visa?

Out of a total of 30,850, almost 18,000 quotas have been reserved for seasonal work. Whereas 12,850 has been set aside for non-seasonal (such as self-employed, work visa conversions) purposes.

Eligible countries for seasonal and nonseasonal visas

The following non-EU countries’ candidates are eligible to apply under decreto flussi (seasonal visas) of 2020:

  1. Albania
  2. Algeria
  3. Bangladesh
  4. Bosnia-Herzegovina
  5. Korea (Republic of Korea)
  6. Ivory Coast
  7. Egypt
  8. El Salvador
  9. Ethiopia
  10. Philippines
  11. The Gambia
  12. Ghana
  13. Japan
  14. India
  15. Kosovo
  16. Mali
  17. Morocco
  18. Mauritius
  19. Moldova
  20. Montenegro
  21. Niger
  22. Nigeria
  23. Pakistan
  24. Republic of North Macedonia
  25. Senegal
  26. Serbia
  27. Sri Lanka
  28. Sudan
  29. Tunisia
  30. Ukraine

Some quota has also been reserved for those non-EU countries that are going to have agreements with the Italian government.

Application requirements

There are no set aside requirements for seasonal visas of Italy. Even Italian language proficiency does not come into force or hurdle. There is also no set aside parameters for educational qualification as it is agricultural work so it does not matter if you have a Bachelor’s degree or a diploma. For non- seasonal visas, there are certain requirements one has to fulfill before applying.

Decreto Flussi 2020 Quota for seasonal visas

The quotas will be divided between the regions and the autonomous provinces, by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies. 18,000 visas have been reserved for seasonal employment in the agricultural and tourist-hotel sectors. As part of this quota, by way of experimentation, 6,000 units are reserved for agricultural workers from the same countries, the requests of which will be presented, in the name and on behalf of the employers, by the following organizations: Cia, Coldiretti, Confagricoltura, Copagri, Alliance of cooperatives (includes Lega cooperatives and Confcooperative). Whereas 1,000 of the 18,000 quotas are reserved for entrances for multi-year seasonal work.

Decreto Flussi 2020 Quota for non-seasonal visas

There has been set aside distribution of quota among different types of non-seasonal work visas.

Out of 12,850, a total of 6,150 visas are reserved for those who must convert the residence permit already held for another reason into work. This quota of 6,150 has further division as follows:

  • There have been reserved 4,060 visas for those with a residence permit for seasonal work to be converted into a residence permit for non-seasonal subordinate work.
  • 1,500 visas have been reserved for those with a residence permit for study, internship, and/or professional training to be converted into a residence permit for subordinate work.
  • Those with a residence permit for study, internship, and/or professional training to be converted into a residence permit for self-employment will be having a quota of 370.
  • Candidates who have an EC residence permit for long-term residents issued not by Italy but by another Member State of the European Union to be converted into a residence permit for subordinate work are given a quota of 200.
  • Those who have an EC long-term residence permit issued by another EU Member State to be converted into a residence permit for self-employment have been given a quota of 20.

Furthermore, out of a total of 12,850, a total of 6,700 foreign workers will be admitted to Italy for non-seasonal subordinate work and self-employment. This quota has also had specific division as follows:

  • A total of 6,000 visas are reserved for recruitment in the road transport, construction, and tourism-hotel sectors. 4,500 out of it are reserved for the aforementioned countries. Whereas 1,500 has been reserved for the citizens of other countries with whom cooperation agreements on migration will enter into force during the year 2020.
  • For foreign workers who have completed training and education programs in the countries of origin pursuant to art. 23 of the legislative decree 25 July 1998, n. 286 will be able to use a quota of 100.
  • 100 visas have been reserved for foreign workers of Italian origin for at least one of the parents up to the third degree of the direct line of ancestry, residing in Venezuela.
  • 500 self-employed workers will be allowed to come as well under this category.

Important note: According to the circular issued on 8 October 2020 for the road transport sector for third parties, the application for a permit for subordinate work is only allowed in favor of driver workers, equipped with professional licenses equivalent to CE category licenses, citizens of countries that issue driving licenses equivalent to the CE category and convertible in Italy on the basis of existing reciprocity agreements. These agreements are with Sri Lanka, Algeria, Moldova, Morocco, Republic of North Macedonia, Tunisia, and Ukraine.

For self-employed workers, rules under non-seasonal visas 

As for self-employed workers, the request can be submitted in the following cases:

  • entrepreneurs who carry out activities of interest to the Italian economy that involve the use of their own resources of no less than 500,000 euros and from legitimate sources, as well as the creation of at least three new jobs.
  • foreign citizens for the establishment of innovative start-up companies pursuant to law no. 221, in the presence of the requisites provided for by the same law and in favor of which an independent employment relationship with the company is attributable.
  • well-known artists or artists of high and well-known professional qualification, hired by public or private bodies, in the presence of the requirements expressly provided for by the interministerial decree 11 May 2011, n. 850.
  • holders of corporate administration and control positions expressly provided for by the interministerial decree of 11 May 2011, n. 850.
  • freelancers related to supervised professions or non-regulated but a representative at the national level and included in the lists maintained by the Public Administration.

What is the SPID?

SPID is the access system that allows you to use the online services of the Public Administration and accredited private individuals with a unique digital identity. If you already have a digital identity, log in with your manager’s credentials. If you don’t have a digital identity yet, request it from one of the managers.

For creating a SPID from abroad, you need:

  • an e-mail address
  • the phone number of the mobile phone you normally use
  • a valid Italian identity document (one of identity card, passport, driving license)
  • your income tax number

How to get SPID?

To get SPID, choose one of the Identity Providers and register on their site. The registration consists of 3 steps:

  • Enter your personal data
  • Create your SPID credentials
  • Carry out the recognition of your choice between: in person, online, or via CIE, CNS, or digital signature.

The timing of issuing digital identity depends on individual Identity Providers. You can apply for SPID here.

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