Decreto Flussi 2021 is not far away as the new advancement comes out. A new flow decree, with entry quotas higher than in previous years (between 60 thousand and 80 thousand people) for seasonal work and for subordinate work, even for permanent employment. Andrea Orlando, the Minister of Labor stated that “the new decree will guarantee higher entry quotas than in the past (for seasonal and subordinate work and permanent residency)”. The important thing, however, is that for the first time an access channel is reopened for indeterminate and fixed work.
The decision to launch a new 2021 flows decree came after carefully listening to the opinions of the employment offices and the various companies, as also clarified by the newspaper “Social Editor“. Minister Orlando spoke at the table to combat illegal hiring, which was also attended by Tatiana Esposito from the Directorate General for Immigration and Integration Policies, as well as representatives of many associations operating on the national territory.
The announcement by Orlando is welcomed with satisfaction by the immigration manager of Arci, Filippo Miraglia. He said, “In the last ten years, the flow decrees have not been used to full of their capacities. Now the new Lamorgese decree has removed the block provided by the Salvini decree and an increase in seasonal work quotas can be introduced again, but also for permanent work “. He further mentioned, “Employers will pretend, as always, to bring people they know from their countries of origin to Italy to hire them. In reality, in fact, the position of those who are already present in our country will serve for regularization ”. He, however, emphasized the importance of reopening an access channel for permanent and permanent employment. “
This reintroduces, therefore, a legitimate visa system for entering Italy. Foreign workers will be able to turn to the state to cross the borders, instead of traffickers ”, concludes the immigration manager Arci.
What is “Decreto Flussi”?
The “Decreto Flussi” (immigration flow) is issued every year and provides for the number of foreign citizens who can enter Italy to carry out non-seasonal, subordinate work, and self-employment. A special “Decreto Flussi” is envisaged for seasonal workers. “Decreto Flussi” visa system works under Legislative Decree 286/98 art. 5, 24 and 26 and DPCM flows 2008.
Decreto Flussi eligible countries
The “Decreto Flussi” system is only for eligible countries. The candidates of the following countries can apply for the visa under “Decreto Flussi”(the list could be changed by the interior ministry of Italy any time before the program announcement):
- Albania
- Algeria
- Bangladesh
- Bosnia-Herzegovina
- Korea (Republic of Korea)
- Ivory Coast
- Egypt
- El Salvador
- Ethiopia
- Philippines
- The Gambia
- Ghana
- Japan
- India
- Kosovo
- Mali
- Morocco
- Mauritius
- Moldova
- Montenegro
- Niger
- Nigeria
- Pakistan
- Republic of North Macedonia
- Senegal
- Serbia
- Sri Lanka
- Sudan
- Tunisia
- Ukraine