The Italian government has finally added Decreto Flussi to its official Gazzate. It is now official that the recruitment of non-EU workers for seasonal and nonseasonal programs is open. A maximum total quota of 82,705 units has been set aside for seasonal and non-seasonal subordinate work and for self-employment.
Decreto Flussi 2023 opening date
All applications for seasonal or nonseasonal work can be sent starting at 9.00 on 27 March 2023, i.e. 60 days after the publication of the flow decree in the Official Gazette up to the respective quotas or, in any case, by 31 December 2023.
Quotas for the subordinate, seasonal, and non-seasonal work, provided for by this decree, are distributed by the Ministry of labor and social policies among the territorial Inspectorates of work, the Regions, and the autonomous Provinces.
Decreto Flussi 2023 Quota for Seasonal Workers
A quota of 44,000 units has been set aside for non-EU nationals for seasonal work. The eligible countries for the seasonal work program in Italy are:
- Albania,
- Algeria,
- Bangladesh,
- Bosnia-Herzegovina,
- Korea (Republic of Korea),
- Ivory Coast,
- Egypt,
- El Salvador,
- Ethiopia,
- Philippines,
- Gambia,
- Georgia,
- Ghana,
- Japan,
- Guatemala,
- India,
- Kosovo,
- Mali,
- Morocco,
- Mauritius,
- Moldova,
- Montenegro,
- Niger,
- Nigeria,
- Pakistan,
- Peru,
- The Republic of North Macedonia,
- Senegal,
- Serbia,
- Sri Lanka,
- Sudan,
- Tunisia,
- Ukraine.
Within the quota mentioned above, a total of 1,500 units is reserved for those foreigners (from the above-mentioned countries) who have entered Italy to work as a seasonal employee at least once in the previous five years for which the employer presents a request for clearance multi-year for seasonal subordinate work.
A quota is also reserved for the agricultural sector of 22,000 units to foreign workers, and citizens of the countries (above-mentioned). The applications that are void prevent entry into Italy for seasonal work, even for several years, are submitted by professional organizations of employers work of Cia, Coldiretti, Confagricoltura, Copagri, Alleanza delle cooperatives (Lega cooperatives and Confcooperative). Such organizations undertake to supervise the conclusion of the procedure of hiring workers until the effective signing of the respective employment contracts, including the obligations of communication required by current legislation.
Decreto Flussi 2023 Quota for nonseasonal workers
For the reasons of non-seasonal employment and of self-employment, non-EU nationals who reside abroad within a share of 38,705 units. Within the quota, there are allowed in Italy for non-seasonal subordinate work reasons in the sectors:
- road haulage for third parties,
- construction,
- tourism-hotel,
- mechanics,
- telecommunications,
- food,
- shipbuilding.
About 30,105 citizens of countries who have signed up or are about to sign up for specific cooperation agreements on migration, broken down as follows:
a) 24,105 non-seasonal employees from:
- Albania,
- Algeria,
- Bangladesh,
- Bosnia-Herzegovina,
- Korea (Republic of Korea),
- Ivory Coast,
- Egypt,
- El Salvador,
- Ethiopia,
- Philippines,
- Gambia,
- Georgia,
- Ghana,
- Japan,
- Guatemala,
- India,
- Kosovo,
- Mali,
- Morocco,
- Mauritius,
- Moldova,
- Montenegro,
- Niger,
- Nigeria,
- Pakistan,
- Peru,
- The Republic of North Macedonia,
- Senegal,
- Serbia,
- Sri Lanka,
- Sudan,
- Tunisia,
- Ukraine.
b) 6,000 non-seasonal employed citizens of countries with which agreements enter into force during the year 2023 of cooperation on migration.
About 1,000 non-EU citizens residing abroad, who have completed training and education programs in their countries of origin pursuant to art. 23 of the legislative decree 25 July 1998, n. 286.
Entry into Italy is also permitted, within the framework of the quota indicated in the art. 2, for nonsubordinate work reasons seasonal and self-employment, of 100 workers of origin Italian on the part of at least one of the parents up to the third-degree direct line of ancestry, resident in Venezuela.
In the context of the quota set out in art. 2, the conversion into residence permits for subordinate work of:
a) 4,400 residence permits for seasonal work;
b) 2,000 residence permits for study, traineeship, and/or professional training;
c) no. 200 EU residence permits for long-term residents period issued to third-country nationals by another Member State of the European Union.
It is also authorized, within the indicated quota to art. 2, the conversion into residence permits for work
independent of:
a) no. 370 residence permits for study, traineeship, and/or professional training;
b) no. 30 EU residence permits for long-term residents period, issued to third-country nationals by another Member State of the European Union.
Entry into Italy for work reasons is permitted self-employed, within the quota set out in art. 2, of 500 foreign citizens residing abroad, belonging to the following categories:
a) entrepreneurs who intend to implement an investment plan of interest in the Italian economy, which involves the use of resources not less than 500,000 euros, as well as the creation of at least three new jobs;
b) freelancers who intend to practice professions regulated or supervised or not regulated or supervised, or unregulated but nationally represented by associations registered in lists kept by public administrations and who issues a certificate of quality of services and professional qualification of the partners;
c) holders of corporate offices of administration and control expressly provided for by the interministerial decree 11 May 2011, no. 850;
d) artists of clear fame or of high and well-known qualification professional, hired by public or private bodies, in the presence of requirements expressly provided for by the interministerial decree 11 May 2011, no. 850;
e) foreign citizens who intend to set up start-up companies innovative” pursuant to the law of 17 December 2012, n. 221, in presence of the requirements established by the same law and which are holders of an employment relationship of an independent nature with the company.
New rules for Italian employers hiring foreign workers
The simplified procedure was also confirmed for 2023 with which applications presented under the flows decree for the entry of foreign workers from abroad will be examined. In particular, the Decree Law of 29 December 2022, n. 198 (so-called milleproroghe decree art. 9, paragraph 2,) extended the competence of the professionals pursuant to art. 1 of Law no. 12/1979, and of the comparatively more representative employers’ organizations at the national level for the verification of the requisites concerning the observance of the prescriptions of the collective labor agreement and the adequacy of the number of requests presented for the hiring of resident non-EU citizens abroad.
This is an important novelty, introduced with Legislative Decree no. 73/2022, according to which, without prejudice to spot checks by the National Labor Inspectorate in collaboration with the Revenue Agency, the verification of compliance of the contractual conditions required by current legislation for the purpose of hiring foreign workers is entrusted to professionals (employment consultants, accountants, lawyers…) and employers’ organizations.
Furthermore, according to the new regulations, these checks are not necessary in the event that applications for work permits are presented, on behalf of their members, by employers’ associations that have signed a memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Labor and of social policies.
How to apply for a job in Italy?
You need to find an Italian employer willing to hire you and provide you with a job offer. This offer must be included in your visa application. This is the core requirement of your intended work visa. Here are some private and official job portals to apply for a farm worker job for a work visa:
- ClicLavoro
- Ministry of labor and social policies
- Job by doo
- Torino Comune
- Informagiovani
- Bakeca
- SeasonWorkers (In the search category, please write seasonal jobs in Italy.)
- Indeed (In the search category, please write seasonal jobs in Italy.)
- JustLanded (In the search category, please write seasonal jobs in Italy.)
- AnyworkAnywhere (In the search category, please write seasonal jobs in Italy.)
- Transitionsabroad (In the search category, please write seasonal jobs in Italy.)
What is the SPID?
SPID is the access system that allows you to use the online services of the Public Administration and accredited private individuals with a unique digital identity. If you already have a digital identity, log in with your manager’s credentials. If you don’t have a digital identity yet, request it from one of the managers.
For creating a SPID from abroad, you need:
- an e-mail address
- the phone number of the mobile phone you normally use
- a valid Italian identity document (one of identity card, passport, driving license)
- your income tax number
How to get SPID?
To get SPID, choose one of the Identity Providers and register on their site. The registration consists of 3 steps:
- Enter your personal data
- Create your SPID credentials
- Carry out the recognition of your choice between in-person, online, or via CIE, CNS, or digital signature
Decreto Flussi application portal
You can access here immigration and application portal here.
Important links:
How to apply for a work permit in Italy under Decreto Flussi?