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Italy introduces more new laws for migrants. Italian Senate passes new “Security Decree”

Italian Senate passes the “Security Decree” even after having great tensions. More rights for migrants for employment permits, LGBTQ rights, and citizenship processing timings, have been given in the new decree.

It almost ends up in a fight, but in the end, the Security Decree passes to the trust of the Senate and thus becomes law. The confidence requested by the government ultimately passed with 153 votes in favor, two against, and four abstentions. The compact center-right did not participate in the vote.

Immediate Change Rights on Migrants Cap for PM

The Italian prime minister will have more rights to change the cap of allowed international workers. He will be able to issue at any time a decree with a ceiling on the number of regular immigrants that can enter the country for work if it has not published during the year by parliament. These decrees do not need to follow the number set by the ceiling of the previous year.

Work Permits for Specific Migrants

There will be more ease available for some of the migrant categories. The third-country nationals who have permits for humanitarian reasons will be allowed to have their permits converted to allow them to seek work/job.

Salvini in his speech announced that immediately after the Covid emergency he will organize a referendum “to abolish this shame”.

Italian Citizenship Processing Timings

Applications submitted for citizenship will be answered in a set-aside time. The citizenship applications that arise as the result of marriage to an Italian national or after regular residence in the country for 10 consecutive years must be answered within 24 months. There will be a possible extension to 36 if needed.

Humanitarian Ground Permit for LGBTQ and Others

More weightage has been given to LGBTQ+ rights. The foreigners who risk political persecution, torture, or risks due to their race, sex, religion, ”sexual orientation, or gender identity” cannot be pushed back. They will be able to request a permit on humanitarian grounds. On the other hand, there will be an ombudsman introduced for detainees to make sure they don’t suffer torture.

Reforms about Ships Carrying Migrants

The interior ministry would not interfere if the ship immediately informed authorities of the rescue operations. The Interior Ministry will ban Vessels that do not comply with the law will now be fined between 10,000 and 50,000 Euros.

Fast Deportation of Criminal Migrants

Priority will be given for detention in repatriation centers to foreigners that pose a ”risk to security” i.e. those who have been sentenced for serious crimes and those who come from countries where Italy has agreements for judicial repatriation.

Monitoring of Migrants Camps

The Italian government wants to make sure that the internal security matter remains intact. Therefore more ‘prevention and monitoring’ measures will be implemented in migration centers to curb propaganda used by jihadist terror organizations.

Anyone taking part in an altercation can henceforth be fined up to 2,000 euros. If anyone should die or is injured in such a fight, the perpetrator will be sentenced from between 6 months in jail to 6 years. These measures can extend to partaking in the illegal drug trade.

Italy and immigration policies change in 2020

2020 has been extremely special for changes in immigration policies. Following changes and new rules have been implemented during this year:

  • The decreto flussi 2020 dates have been announced by the ministry of interior Italy. A total of 30,850 foreigners can apply for seasonal and non-seasonal visas normally for Decreto Flussi. Out of the total, 18,000 is set aside for the seasonal workers for agricultural and tourism jobs.
  • Italian Prime Minister finally got success to get his cabinet to agree to give residence permits to undocumented immigrants. Immigrants working in the agricultural sector and home care have been able to benefit from the new scheme by applying for a residence permit.