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New German citizenship law in effect now from 27 June

The most awaited New German Citizenship Law is in force now from 27 June 2024. Dual nationality and shorter stay in Germany such as 5 or 3 years are new relaxations. The reformed and eased naturalization law is expected to help 5.3 million foreigners in Germany in the coming years.

Instead of the previously implemented 8-year residence rule, foreign nationals can now apply for nationality in Germany after 5 years. In some cases, where the applicant has made significant integration into society. Third-country nationals can also retain their previous nationality which helps them enjoy the perks of dual citizenship.

According to the law, guests and contract workers do not have to take a naturalization test and only have to prove oral German language skills.

In concrete terms, this means that around 1.4 million people will be entitled to apply for a German passport from Thursday if they are still in Germany and meet all the requirements. In addition, there are almost 2 million people who Germany gained between 2016 and June 2019 but who did not move here for asylum reasons. Many of them are EU citizens.

German newspaper Das Bild reports.

What does the new citizenship law offer?

Reduced Naturalization Period

Germany has shortened the naturalization period for foreigners from 8 years to 5 years, effective June 27, 2024. Exceptional cases, involving “special integration services” such as good language skills or voluntary work, could qualify for citizenship in as little as 3 years.

Dual Nationality and Children’s Citizenship

The new law will allow for multiple nationalities, addressing concerns about connections to home countries. Children born in Germany to foreign parents will automatically receive German citizenship if one parent has lived in Germany legally for over 5 years, down from the previous 8 years.

Integration and Language Requirements

To be eligible for faster naturalization, applicants must demonstrate good integration and German language proficiency, except for long-term guest workers. Furthermore, the applicants must also be able to support themselves and their families, with exceptions for certain guest worker groups. Adherence to Germany’s free-democratic principles is mandatory, with citizenship revocable within ten years for fraudulent or inhumane conduct.

Special rules for naturalization in 3 years

Paragraph 3 of the citizenship law states that the required period of stay for citizenship eligibility can be reduced to as little as three years if the foreign applicant:

  • Shows an exceptional integration, such as excellent academic, vocational, or professional accomplishments, or significant community involvement.
  • Fulfills the condition outlined in Section 8, paragraph 1, number 4.
  • Passes a language test at level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
  • Has engaged in voluntary work in Germany.

Citizenship statistics in 2023

Overall Naturalizations in 2023200,100
Syrian Nationals Naturalized75,500 (56% increase from the previous year)
Turkish Nationals Naturalized10,700 (25% decrease from the previous year)
Iraqi Nationals Naturalized10,700 (57% increase from the previous year)
Naturalizations by Asian Nationals117,141
Total Citizenship Applications (2022)Increased by 28% compared to 2021
Total Citizenship Applications (2023)Increased by 19% (31,000) compared to 2022

For a comprehensive overview of the new nationality rules in Germany, please refer to this dedicated article on it.