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Portugal changes the immigration rules for undocumented migrants

Portugal changes the immigration rules for undocumented migrants which ends the long-implemented beneficial and liberal migration stream of this European country.

The Portuguese government submitted the new immigration plan in cabinet on 3 June, which got approved, and then signed by the president and was also submitted in the official gazette. The process was made so fast that no grace period was offered. The applicants who were waiting to submit the applications for residence permits under Article 89 under the “Immigration Law 59/2017” now can not do it.

This is indeed the end of a supreme era for migrants who benefited from this extraordinary immigration route of Portugal.

End of Article 89

On 3 June 2024, the new Portuguese government ended Articles 81, 88, and 89 of Immigration Law 59/2017. This previously implemented law helped thousands of undocumented migrants enter Portugal, pay social security for one year, and get a residence permit. According to the authorities, alone last year counted for the legalization of 180,000 migrants.

What is the new immigration law of Portugal?

According to the new rules introduced by the Portuguese government, applicants will now need a work contract to enter the country and use a proper work permit stream. The Prime Minister of Portugal, Luis Montenegro stated on this occasion,

While the immigration doors remain open, they will not be wide open (for everyone). “We need people in Portugal willing to help us build a fairer and more prosperous society.

The government announced 42 new measures to more effectively manage migration flows. Skilled workers, students, and Portuguese-speaking foreigners will be prioritized in the future reports Reuters.

This means the route for the illegal migrants entering Portugal has been closed which can result in further hardships and problems in their lives. The government has not announced further explanations about foreigners in the country who were to apply for regularization. Will they be deported or asked to leave the country, no one knows.

Who can still apply for the immigration streams of Portugal?

The following foreigners can still apply for the different immigration streams under the new laws:

  • foreigners who have already submitted applications for regularization or locked their files before these new rules were announced;
  • third-country nationals who are skilled immigrants, students, and Portuguese-speaking communities;
  • applicants, who have a valid work contract from a Portuguese employer.

Thousands of migrants astray in limbo

Portugal is already struggling due to applicant backlog which counts to almost 350,000 to 400,000 pending residence permits at the immigration office AIMA. The government is trying to recruit more staff and make the process fast to overcome this issue.

Thousand of migrants who paid taxes for 10 to 11 months closely missed the chance to apply for residence permits and get legalized. They are in limbo, disappointed, and astray now, knowing nothing about what to do.

About 800,000 migrants live in Portugal now, almost double the number from ten years ago. They make up about 14% of all taxpayers and contributed over 1.6 billion euros to the economy in 2022 while receiving about 257 million euros in social benefits.

Files from AIMA,, and Reuters.

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