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The UK to bring shocking changes in Asylum Rules

Tougher rules are being proposed by the UK government day by day. Crackdown against illegal migrants, human smugglers, settlement of the asylum seekers offshore, and many more changes will be a part of the UK’s upcoming immigration rules. These rules will be implemented on asylum seekers.

An approach by the government is to send back the asylum seekers to another country for computing in an Australian type of offshore zone. After this type of news, the people were curious about the zone.

The disclosure about the third zone about the UK asylum rules came from Home Secretary Priti Patel. In a conference with Denmark, she claimed that the zone for computing will be in Africa.

The scheme for UK asylum rules was made because the number of the foreigner crossing the borders via boats through English channel was exceeding. In 2020,  According to BBC, approximately 80,000 foreigners crossed the border through such sources. But now in 2021, this number is more than before.

There were rising conflicts by the rights batches and competitor legislators due to the scheme to modify the UK asylum rules including citizenship and border charges. Also, the competitor labor group named this scheme unethical. So, the parliament will make a decision about this scheme in the upcoming week. 

Opinions of the organizations and legislators

Many legislators share their opinions about this scheme about UK asylum rules:

Home secretary Nick Thomas-Symonds narrated that the labor group will definitely be going to oppose this scheme. Because this scheme is about taking action against those foreigners who cross the border without documents. And the authorities will be able to send them back to European states from where they come illegally.

The United Nations organization for the shelters (UNHCR) stated that this is not the solution to the problem to pressurize the poor states. Rather the UK should solve the problems in association with the other countries or manage them with its own resources.

The UK sector of UNHCR posted on Twitter that it is not just the problem of the one-state, it is a global issue. So, it must be solved with mutual collaboration.

The Head of a UK charity company for the shelter, Enver Soloman, also talked about that issue. His opinion was that this is a  barbaric action by the opposition.

The state of the asylum application in the UK

A huge number of applications are still pending. The government has not processed them since last year. Day by day the number of applications is increasing.

The shelter council this Friday estimated the number of applications and compared it from the past decade. Here is this comparison:

                        Year              Number of applications
                         2010                     3,588
                         2011                     7,375
                         2020                     33,016
              March 2021                     66,185

According to the estimates, 250 applicants comprising 50 kids have been waiting for the decision for the past 5 years. But still, there is no action taken by the authorities for them.

The actions of the UK government

The proof of the charity reveals when the Conservative party forced the government to modify the UK asylum rules. This modification will be for minimizing the number of foreigners crossing the border illegally. The final decision about the UK asylum rules will be made by the parliament in the upcoming week.

If these modifications are accepted, there will be a new Australian-type offshore zone for computing. This will be done for the very first time in UK history.

Al Jazeera asked Soloman what they are doing to minimize the number of illegal people crossing the border. Then Soloman answered that we are purposeful to put this to an end. Further, he claimed that those illegal people are treated badly. Due to that, the number of those people is increasing. There will be a legal blockage to put that number to an end soon.

— The files from Umer Rasib,, Aljazeera and BBC UK.