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UK to start amnesty scheme by providing legal status to 500,000 illegal migrants

Boris Johnson is a big fan of migrants settlement and he once again agreed to help those who have been living in the UK undocumented with good character. In his very first speech speaking in the Commons on 24.07.2019, he clearly said to have a look at the legal status of 500,000 illegals. 

“he also added that an Australian styled “Points Based Immigration” system will also be introduced to attract skilled workers from around the world”. 

Boris has already paved the settlement plan of those who don’t have a visa or legal status in the UK when he was Mayor of London. According to him, he never received a due response from others on this idea. 

Boris Johnson added, that law already allows effective amnesty for such migrants. He will talk to the MAC (migration advisory committee) to take some serious actions on these plans. He is also not in the mood to continue the yearly immigration cut down (maximum of 100,000) policy of Theresa May. He says he is not a fan of numbers but the quality of working professional. 

Currently, no more details have been issued from the new government about the amnesty scheme for the foreigners. But when Boris Johnson was the Mayor of London, he at that time proposed that people living in the capital for more than 5 years, with no illegal records, could show their commitment to the society and be able to pay the taxes (after getting a proper legal status). 

Almost 161,000 asylum seekers have already got permission to stay in the UK even their asylum cases have been rejected. They had been allowed to stay in the UK because they had been here so long it would breach their right to family life to remove them. This new development will surely help illegal people to get either passport or a visa of the UK so that they can legally stay there and pay the taxes.