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Various changes announced in Australia’s immigration policy 2024-2025

Key Points of Australia’s Immigration Policy 2024-2025

  • Introduction of a new national innovation visa starting by the end of 2024.
  • For subclass 482, reduced work experience requirements.
  • Announcement of migration quota of 185,000 for the budget year 2024-2025.
  • A new two-year visa for 3,000 Indian graduates under the MATES route.
  • Extension of business visitor’s visa from 3 to 5 years for Indian Businessmen.
  • The random selection process for citizens of China, Vietnam, and India for subclass 462.

The Australian government has announced various changes in its migration policy for the budget year 2024-2025. The introduction of new visas, relaxed rules, and migration quotas through migration-level plans will help many foreigners who want to settle in Australia. Below, we will discuss some of these changes and their details:

New Visa Program for Indians Offering 3,000 Visas

From 1 November 2024, the launch of the Mobility Arrangement for Talented Early-professionals Scheme (MATES) program for Indian nationals will offer 3,000 graduates and professionals a two-year visa. Furthermore, the visitor’s visa for business purposes will also be extended from 3 to 5 years of duration.

New National Innovation Visas

As the Australian Government is closing business innovation and investment visas from 1 July 2024, a new national innovation visa is being introduced by the end of this year. This route will replace the global talent visa (this visa was introduced on 4 November 2019).

Changes to subclass 482

Reduced work experience requirements have been announced for the subclass 482 skills shortage visa. Starting from 23 November this year, the applicants will only need to show a work experience of one year instead of two to be eligible for the program.

Changes to subclass 462

Starting in 2024-25, applicants from China, India, and Vietnam will be subject to a new ballot process for work and holiday visas (subclass 462).

A ballot process in this context refers to a system where applicants are selected randomly or through a lottery. For the work and holiday visas (subclass 462), it means that applicants from China, India, and Vietnam will be entered into a random drawing, and only those selected in the draw will be granted the opportunity to apply for the visa. This method is often used when the number of applicants exceeds the available slots.

185,000 New Migration Level Plan

For the Budget year 2024-2025, the migration level plan has been set at 185,000 allocations. Most of the quota has been set aside for the Skills Stream 132,200 as usual. For Family Stream, 52,214 allocations have been reserved including partner and parents visas. The “Skilled Independent” and “Global Talent” quotas have been dramatically decreased compared with the previous year. On the other hand, the quota has been increased for the “Regional and State/Territory Nominated” categories.

StreamCategoryPlaces (quota)
Skilled Independent16,900
State/Territory Nominated33,000
Business Innovation & Investment1,000
Global Talent (Independent)4,000
Distinguished Talent300
Skill Total132,200
Other Family500
Family Total52,500
Special ​​Eligibility300